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22Mohawks Airborne Course and Retreat – Operation SitRep 22 – 10/20-10/27


Enter Lottery Here! For Operation SitRep 22 – Oct 20-27th.

Names will be called in August and all winners will be notified by phone and email.



Please read carefully. ONE ENTRY PER PERSON.

To enter for this lottery you must be a veteran, active duty military, or first responder. Entering the lottery does not guarantee your spot. Names are called in June and winners will be notified via email or phone. You do not have to have prior jump experience. The week will be both physically and mentally demanding.

This is a one of a kind experience and limited to 15/20 veterans max that are chosen by lottery. Participants are responsible for purchasing their own flights and transportation from the airport in Florida to the Air BnB where you’ll be residing for the week.

This week-long Airborne Retreat is held at X-35 Airborne School in Dunnellon, FL. Where participants will report to the school and go through rigorous airborne training, mental fitness sessions – both group and one on one, participate in suicide prevention studies while experiencing something only few veterans will ever get to, jumping out of a historic C-47 that dropped paratroopers into Normandy on D-Day or other historical planes. This operation we have word it maybe a CASA.

This life changing event brings veterans from across the country back into the warrior mindset while giving them the opportunity to connect with others veterans who have experienced similar situations. This unique retreat requires a dedication and desire to be challenged both mentally and physically.

The experienced X-35 Cadre bring these veterans back into formation to receive training while creating a deep camaraderie and knowing that they are part of something greater than themselves, which is the Airborne Veteran Community and the 22Mohawks Family.

Requirements If Chosen:

1. Purchase your Flights to fly into Orlando, Tampa or Gainesville

2.Transport to the Air BnB (we help connecting for carpooling)

3.Each person is required to TRY and raise a min of $500 to support 22Mohawks.

4.We also ask to please spread the word about 22Mohawks.

Email: stacey@22mohawks.com  and dave@22mohawks.com for more information or questions.


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